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runDisney Virtual vs In-Person Races
In light of the recent decision from runDisney to make both the Walt Disney World Marathon and the Princess Half Marathon virtual in 2021, many people will be trying to decide whether its still worth signing up. These are my experiences with runDisney in-person and virtual races to hopefully make that decision easier, or at the very least, give people some things to consider.
Kitchen Makeover 101: Cabinets
The moment we stepped into our house, I knew I wanted to renovate the kitchen. It was small and everything was dark, making it look even tinier. My husband, Eli, always insisted that the kitchen was low on the priority list, but Covid-19 and quarantine brought extra time to make my kitchen dreams come true. The first thing I tackled was the cabinets.
My Five Favorites: New Zealand
My husband and I were blessed to spend three weeks road-tripping around New Zealand for our honeymoon in January. As soon as we got home everyone asked what our favorite thing was. I found this question really hard to answer because the entire country is gorgeous and we had an amazing trip — but looking back — these are the things that stick out most in my mind.